You just crossed the finish line. Happy? Sad? Content? Distraught? Lots more emotions to list but we will keep it to a small dosage.
The big question is how did you do overall? What was your goal? How did it line up to your end result?
Racing is so defining. The clock tells it all. The margin for error, with a result, is weather, terrain and the ability to move along on the course. Meaning, is the race over crowded at the start or were you able to get into gear once you crossed the starting line.
Oh, I left out one more...your health. Your health covers the physical and the mental. So let’s dig into a post race analysis and what that entails.
I tell my athletes to have a “cooling off” period before looking at what just occurred. Typically 24 to 48 hours is suffice. To do an analysis right after a race is not worth it. The 24 to 48 hours allows you to get back to a normal place of mind and body that will allow you the ability to think about what went right and/or wrong.
When that time has transpired, try to look at things with a half glass full mentally. No matter the result, you ran a race. That’s a win right there. You put yourself in a position to do something different. You trained to be on the starting line. Think of the results garnered as a measuring stick for what you need to tweak or not tweak. It's’ all good data you are taking away from the result.
Now is the time to write down your thoughts and figure what is next. There is no right or wrong here. It's’ just your thoughts as you game plan for the future. Again, all good.
Jot down how you felt. Getting back to the physical and mental part, post whatever comes to mind. For example, were you healthy, rested, stressed, etc. It’s great to look at these things and analyze what just transpired.
Make notes of the terrain. What was the course like? Did it line up to your expectations? Do you need to adjust your training courses and regimen?
Write about your pacing. You don’t need to go blow by blow but do break the event into pieces. Pretend you are writing an article for a publication and the subject is you. At some point, you will be reading this back to yourself or others.
Make notes of the weather. Was it ideal or less than ideal?
Lastly, how was it covering the course. Did you have to weave through running traffic at the start.
Did you go out to fast or to slow.
In the end, post race analysis is very personal. It is your race. Your data.
Go over it in your mind. Write it down. Learn from it. Move on.
Congrats on your accomplishment. Now go make some more magic!!!